Tuesday, April 9, 2013


     I have no idea why, but ever since we moved so far from my family, I have dreamed of surprising my parents with the news that we were expecting at an airport.  I had no idea that something like that would actually get to happen, but that's just how I had envisioned it since being in LA. 
     Long before we found out the news that we were pregnant I had invited my parents to visit us at our home in LA.  Easter would be a long weekend for them so it made sense to have them here so they could spend an extra few days.  They had graciously accepted our invitation and things were set in motion to get them here March 28th... via US Airways!!! 
     We found out about baby Waugh on March 14th.  That meant if I was going to get to tell my parents in person, I was going to have to keep  THE BIGGEST SECRET OF MY ENTIRE LIFE for 14 days.  That may not sound like a long time to you, but for someone who talks to her mother on an every-every other day basis, this was to be my greatest challenge yet.  I'm the kind of person when I know a secret, I will tantalize you with it, asking "don't you want to know about.....(insert secret here.)"  It's terribly difficult for me to keep Christmas presents a secret but THIS - this was WAY beyond Christmas presents.  As I mentioned in my first post, lots of people prayed for us to be able to have a child and my parents, as well as Steven's, were at the top of that list. 
     I decided I would have to keep it quiet.  There was no way someone else was going to get the hug that I knew would be coming my way if I told them in person.  I wanted to experience the overwhelming joy of an answered prayer with them and WOW - was it worth the wait!!
     Steven and I met my parents at the terminal gate exit door with signs and t-shirts that shared our exciting news.  We were fortunate enough to have an airport employee snag this video of their reaction. 

Do you think they were happy?
Here are a few other snapshots from the pregnancy reveal.
Happy Grandparents
One PROUD baby daddy!
Since we were already slated to have my parents in town for Easter and couldn't be 2 places at once, we decided that we would surprise Steven's family with Easter cards that were slated to arrive around the same time my parent's plane landed.  They all had pictures of our first ultrasound in them and a little message about our miracle.  They called immediately upon receiving the cards and were overjoyed at the news. 
This has got to be one of my favorite days - I mean, it's not every day you get to spread so much happiness. 
Chatting with Nana in Dallas about her newest grandchild!
1 Samuel 1:27: "I prayed for this child, and the LORD has granted me what I asked of him."


Heather Smith said...

Wallace- I am SO happy for your family. I swear I just cried my eyes out (happy tears), watching the reveal video...LOVE!!!! I myself have been praying for you ever since you told me you were trying. This is something many of us, myself included, have taken for granted... Especially since both my babies were not planned! That being said, I am so thankful for mine, and now your, precious miracle!! <3

Sarah O said...

This is such a great way to tell your parents!