Tuesday, April 9, 2013

How We Found Out

     You would think after trying for 2 years that it would've been pretty obvious when we finally were successful in creating this little miracle.  That didn't turn out to be the case at all.  After I had gotten some (incorrect) results from the most recent blood work I'd submitted, I had completely put it out of my head that a baby was a possibility for us until the next month where we would try another round of meds.  It was devastating news (again) and I tried desperately to put it out of my mind.  After all, it happens when you least expect it, ...right?
     Since the weather had warmed up in late February and everything was covered in pollen, in typical fashion, I got sick.  I ended up with an upper respiratory infection and was absolutely exhausted trying to get over it.  We did some traveling to the in-law's in TN and shortly after returning home I was starting to feel like I was coming out of the "spring crud."  The very next weekend my sister and her boyfriend were scheduled to visit us for spring break.  I wore myself out trying to get the house cleaned and typical household chores seemed to tire me out rather quickly.  Naturally, I blamed it on still being on the mend from the infection, and was just excited to see my family!  Caroline and Matt stayed for most of the week and over the course of the week I would still tire easily and occasionally didn't feel too well after meals.  Caroline would ask, "are you sure you're not pregnant?" and I would brush it off and say, "yes, there's no way that's possible" and moved on.  She asked one too many times for it to sit right with me and so EARLY on a Thursday morning, I decided to take the last test I had.  Quicker than I have ever seen those things work in the past, it showed 2 lines.  It was early, so I was thinking it was just the sleepy still in my eyes.  The lines darkened and I went immediately to the kitchen where Steven was making his breakfast.  He had no idea I was taking a test (I really hadn't planned to) and when I kept repeating "2 LINES!" and pointing at the test... he was unsure of what I was talking about.  We both stared at the test in complete and total disbelief and thought it must be a fluke.  Surely this is a false positive, I mean after all, the blood work said it would be another month before this was a possibility.  Steven went to pick up a few more tests while I left an early morning message with my doctor.  One after one, they all said the same thing - we were finally pregnant!
     It took us 3 tests to really believe this was happening!!  We had been trying and receiving negative results for so, so long that it felt surreal.  We went the next morning to have an ultrasound where we first got to see our little nugget and received the picture above.  He/She was already 6.5 weeks when we found out the amazing news and all those times I had felt so tired and sluggish finally started making sense!  The heartbeat was flickering at our appointment and I think it is safe to say we both felt this overwhelming sense of gratitude.  This was truly an answer to MANY prayers from many people.  So many people had supported us with kind words of encouragement and prayers and for that we are forever grateful.  We know this wouldn't have happened without them! 
     We are so excited about our growing little miracle and continue praying for a healthy baby and pregnancy.  And thanks again to little Siss for being persistent in your questioning... we might STILL be in the dark about baby Waugh without your visit to LA!

Psalm 66:19; "but God has surely listened and has heard my prayer."

1 comment:

Sarah O said...

Wallace I have been meaning to read your blog for a long time now and it is wonderful! I am so happy for you and Steven!